Spay and Neuter

Spaying and neutering your pets are possibly some of the most responsible acts you can do as a pet owner because it comes with a variety of benefits, both for your personal pet and for the community as a whole.

What are the benefits of spaying/neutering my companion animal?

Control local unwanted dog and cat populations

By spaying and neutering your pets, you remove the possibility of creating unwanted pregnancies and help to decrease the populations of stray cats and dogs in the area. 

Decrease unwanted behaviors

By spaying and neutering your pets, you can see a decrease in several undesirable behaviors like:

  • aggression/fighting
  • roaming – the desire to run away from home to find a mate
  • inappropriate urination

Unfixed females often come with messy heat cycles that attract male dogs.

Prevent diseases and cancers later on in life

For females, the primary benefit of spaying is the prevention of mammary cancers, uterine cancers, and ovarian cancers.


One affliction we see most commonly in unfixed female pets is a bacterial infection of the uterus called pyometra, which is life-threatening infection and can only be fixed through a very costly surgery.


For males, the primary health benefits of neutering are the reduction of prostate problems and testicular cancers.


Kristen and Tito after his neuter.
Tito and his mom, Kristen, after his neuter.

When should I Spay/Neuter my pet?

We recommend waiting to spay/neuter your companion pets until about 6 months of age, though this recommendation may change based on your pet’s personal breed and weight.

We take every precaution...

Here at Tabby Road, we consider spaying and neutering an important surgery, but it still carries the risks of every other anesthetic procedure. Because of these risks, we take the same precautions we would on any other surgery.

Before your pet is anesthetized, our doctors do a physical exam on your animal to minimize risks. During surgery, your pet’s vitals are constantly monitored to ensure your pet stays as comfortable as possible while with us.

Unlike many low-cost clinics, we also utilize IV catheters for fluid administration during surgeries, which help control and monitor blood pressure, as well as direct administration of any drugs that may need to be given during the procedure.